I really enjoyed this book. It was refreshing to read something paranormal that did not have vampires or shape-shifters in it. The plot was generally good although I thought it dragged a teensy bit in a couple of places. I was getting frustrated at one point that there were so many questions and no answers being given. I suppose that's how it was meant to be - to parallel Ethan's frustration. There were also a couple of scenes that were somewhat cliche and predictable (the school dance in particular)and one scene ( When Serafine zips herself out of Mrs. Lincoln's body) that seemed particularly ridiculous.I love love loved entire cast of characters - starring and supporting both. Many of them were really funny. The only character I didn't like was the villain Serafine. She was evil but her character wasn't really developed enough to be satisfying to me. I still have unanswered questionsWhat's going on with Ethan's mom? How did Lena make the moon disappear? What kind of power (if any) does Ethan have? but I'm guessing those will be answered as the series continues.Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will definitely check out the next in the series.